Antiviral and antibacterial coating (Anti-VRL/ 1 Liter)

SKU: Anti-VRL.1L
Item 2 of 4
€ 72,00 (excluding VAT)

The realization of how fragile our health and immune system can be has once again been confirmed by Covid-19, which has gripped us for a long time and disrupted society. To contribute to the prevention of a similar epidemic or pandemic, we have developed an antibacterial and antiviral nanocoating.

This Anti-VRL nanocoating has a kill rate of viruses and bacteria of up to 99.9%, making it one of the most effective protective coatings on the market.

Antiviral and antibacterial coating prevents the growth of a wide range of viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, algae and yeast. Unlike disinfectants that are only effective at killing bacteria once (at the time of application), Anti-VRLactive continues to kill bacteria and germs that settle on the surface.

The silane base at one end of the antimicrobial molecule creates a strong bond with the surface of the substrate, both porous and non-porous, forming a highly durable, protective, invisible and safe structure that helps protect the health of us all.

The applications are countless because everything that is touched or handled and every shelter where people and children go is potentially a place of possible transmission of viruses and bacteria.

Touch screens for placing your orders or obtaining information, ATMs, but also the interior of public transport, hospitals, nursing homes and childcare are lush breeding grounds for viruses and bacteria and should be protected.

Given the diversity of materials we touch every day, there was also the need for this coating to adhere and work on almost everything. Surfaces of plastic, glass, metal, powder-coated materials, ceramics (tiles), textiles, leather and much more can all be provided with this Anti-VRL coating. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Actively preventive for the safety and health of employees, customers and fellow humans. Anti-VRL coating.

Application instructions:

Always read the technical specifications before use.

The surface must be clean, free of grease and wax, and dry.

Apply the correct amount of coating for optimal performance.

Take environmental factors into account such as temperature, wind and sunlight.

Always test the coating on the material to avoid surprises.

Wear protective clothing and equipment during application.


Wholesale nanocoatings (order site of NanoEnzo B.V.) cannot be held responsible for the improper functioning of the coating if all (technical) conditions for applying our nanocoatings have not been met. Optimal results are achieved when the regulations are adhered to.




Download our test report here


Toepassingsoppervlakte type Metaal, Keramiek, Thermohardend/Thermoplastisch, Textiel, Leer, Glas Geschilderde oppervlakken
Duurzaamheid 1 jaar
Consumptie Stoffen: 60-90 ml/m2 Harde oppervlakken: 6-10 ml/m2
Houdbaarheid 1 jaar ongeopend 4 week na opening
Ademend vermogen Categorie 1, EN1062-1
Opslag condities -3°C tot +30°C
Toepassingstemperatuur +5°C tot +45°C (≤50% RV)
Effectiviteit ja
Soort organisme Effectiviteit %
E coli 99,99
Algen 99,99
Influenza A (H1N1) 99,99
Coronavirus (COVID-19) 90 (Na 30 dagen)

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