Samples Multicoating

SKU: Samples Multicoating
Item 12 of 12
€ 15,00 (excluding VAT)

Sample Multicoating 30 ml

Our Mutlicoating is available in different versions. The difference is in the duration of protection, 3 years, 5 years and 7 years respectively. There is also a multi-coating available that is good for 12 years, but this can only be ordered upon request.

The multicoating that you receive as a sample is the version that is good for 3 years (under normal conditions). The operation is otherwise identical to the other versions.

Download the technical product sheet here,

Verschijning Kleurloze vloeistof
Chemische weerstand 12>pH>1
Zoutwaterbestendigheid ja
Vochtbestendigheid ja
Potloodhardheid (ISO-15184:2012) 7 uur
Droge filmdikte 200-300nm
Verbruik per oppervlakte-eenheid 5-8 ml/ m2
Dichtheid @23°C 0,8 g/ cm3
PH waarde 4.8-5
Toepassingstemperatuur 5°C/30°C (≤50% RV)
Temperatuurbestendigheid 275°C
Watercontacthoek 97° bij 10 µL
Watercontacthoek na “2000”
natte schrob (ISO-11998:2006) 92° bij 10 µL
Water glijhoek 25° bij 20 µL
Oliecontacthoek 76° bij 10 µL
Glansgraad @60° (ISO-2813:2014) 93 (Acryl)

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