
To gain access to our extensive range of high-quality products, we first ask you to create an account on our website. This allows us to guarantee the exclusivity of our offer, as we only sell to registered companies.

If you are already a little familiar with nanocoatings, you know how special the positive effects of nanocoatings are and that they are very diverse. That is why you are probably here to order coatings, which can be done via the 'Products' tab.

The most important properties of nanocoatings are the protection of almost all materials against negative external influences, such as water, oils, dirt, scratches, graffiti and algae, for example.
The fact that the coatings are invisible in the vast majority of cases and that the coating gives materials a much longer lifespan (and therefore new raw materials are less likely to be used) are also very strong properties.

What you need to know 

Nanocoatings waterdicht engels.pdf

The result?
Making almost any material or your equipment more sustainable, more scratch-resistant, less maintenance on the treated material, less cleaning and cleaning products (up to 60% reduction), therefore lower costs, fewer kilometers, less CO2, resulting in a positive contribution to the MKI and CO2 ladder. And all this while the coatings are not or barely visible, the environment is protected and our coatings are very safe (see certifications)!

Go to our product page for the various nano coatings, their explanation and the option to order nano coatings!

The diversity in terms of applications and results makes our premium nano coatings applicable for you (for your customers) as a facade maintenance company, cleaning company, infrastructure company, real estate manager, food industry, municipality, government, public transporter, hospital, childcare, nursing home, school, solar panel park - manager, wind farm manager, and undoubtedly also for your industry, in case it has not been mentioned!

(Nano)coating also ultimately puts less pressure on planning, budget planning and scarce raw materials. Or your solar panel parks perform better because the panels remain cleaner and can absorb more sunlight (up to 18%, according to independent research), and wind turbines turn faster due to less resistance (resulting in a higher efficiency), plus the coating prevents ice formation (Anti-Icing).

Nowadays, sustainability and CO2 reduction are expected or even demanded from you or your customers (or prescribed, as for example in the NOVI - the new law regarding the New Environmental Vision)!

Help your company, your customers or your municipality take these first steps with you as an innovative initiator and see the new (revenue) models (which we would also like to inform you about)!

Sustainability starts today with you, with your customers, because application today means an effect tomorrow!

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